Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Yesterday While I Was...

Yesterday while I was walking around the RSU campus to apply and enroll, people were being killed by the dozens at a university down the road.

There were no locks on the classroom doors so students and professors had to use their bodies for protection.

There is a blog set up by ACUI, some sort of student resource net, where individuals representing whole communities comment their sorrow. I think it's a WordPress site. Anyways, I've only read a small portion so far, but one caught my attention because it's from a guy who experienced Columbine.

"We were heartbroken to hear of the tragedy that has fallen upon your campus community. Our son is a survivor of Columbine, so may you know that we truly do understand what you are feeling and going through right now. One of our son's best friends died and many were injured. Our prayers are with you as you heal. Just a thought ... "Normal" is the button on your dryer. You never return to what you were before. You just have a greater understanding and compassion for others. May God Bless you all. John and Janie, Littleon, COPosted by: John and Janie ( email ) on 04/17/2007 06:57 PM"


LiteratureLover said...

Wow. It's so hard to imagine what any of them are going through. Thanks for the post.

thebarefootpoet said...

I originally read this post the same night you put it up. I've tried to process what those families and students are enduring, and I am unable to. My first thoughts were "there are 30 or so families trying to figure out how to deal with losing their child". I read many of those posts that you linked to, they were so full of loss and grief yet there was this underlying feel of support and hope.