Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Sometimes the things I deal with suck, and the only way for me to process it is to write some of the nasty things going through my mind. I choose writing because the alternative would not really further me on my journey to being a better person. The alternative might involve, "I hate you, you freaking idot," and "how are you so stupid, does that hurt?" So intsead of saying those things I choose to write high-school level poetry, full of angst and simple thoughts. And because I don't want to say anything directly, I launch it into cyberspace as a way of communicating; I've heard that's important. Uhh, but only if I know they won't read it, because that's important too.

your cold steel gears
don't work very well -
you inhuman thing,
what keeps you going?
it's only sad, your shortcomings
are faulty weapons and armor.
i'd only hope it short and sweet for you:
this life you cannot master.

1 comment:

LiteratureLover said...

I love seeing your poetry online. I think it's a much better prospect, afterall.