Monday, April 30, 2007


I remember days like this.
I open my car door and step into the warm downpour and
Remember that it's days like these that
Nourish the the skin with spring
and it's balmy and decadent air that comes in and
exhales a stale-winter's-love where
Fake fires and pleasant memories were one in the same
(it looks like a log but is not from a tree).
And so with the clearing rain, I too can see.
I can't tell you precisely how the sensation of warm air reminds me of you,
but it does.
And I can't tell you why even my own reflection reminds me of you,
but it can.
So the small things like warm air and rippled reflections signify more
than the aftermath of a torrential rain; they
suggest real fires and standing in that rain with someone
who should be there too.

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